Acts 4:8-12 – There Is Salvation in No One Else

I. The Amazing Back Story to This (Acts 1:1-4:7)

A. Miracle #1: Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead (Acts 1)

B. Miracle #2: The Healing of a 40 year old lame man from birth (Acts 2-3)

1) About this crippled man (Acts 3:2, 10, 16; 4:22)

2) About this miracle: it was done publically (Acts 3:1-2), by the power of
Christ without any medical means (Acts 3:6-8), instantaneously (Acts
3:7), was complete (Acts 3:8-9, 16), and was verifiable and undeniable
(Acts 3:10-11; 4:16)

3) About miracles and God’s messengers (Hebrews 2:3-4)

C. The Moving Message (Acts 3:11-26; 4:4) leading to their arrest (4:1-3)

II. Peter’s Message that Tells Us Its Significance (Acts 4:8-12)